
Featuring Paul Michael Raymond and Pat Roy

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Home and busy working on the film "Wait Till It's Free" Colin Gunn shares two interviews from his time on the road. First, Paul Michael Raymond, Dean of New Geneva Academy, discusses theonomy (which means God's Law) and it's application to areas such as higher education, economics, and politics. Next, Colin talks with Pat Roy about his work on the popular Jonathan Park audio series from Vision Forum, his passion for the subject of creation science, and the power of media. You'll also hear a powerful testimonial from a young woman who explains how she was encouraged in her homeschooling by the film "IndoctriNation."  All this and more on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


The New Geneva Academy

The Institute for Theonomic Reformation

Vision Forum

Jonathan Park

The Institute for Creation Research


Featuring George Escobar and Alan Scholl

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Home from his travels, Colin presents two interviews recorded on the road. First, George Escobar, a 25-year media veteran and filmmaker behind such films as "Come What May" and "Alone Yet Not Alone," discusses the subject of Christian filmmaking. Next, Alan Scholl shares hist story about how he left the public school system, and tells about his work with Freedom Project Education. Hear both of these, and get an update on the film "Wait Till It's Free" on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


Advent Film Group

World Net Daily

Freedom Project Education


Featuring Nick Karavidas and Rick Boyer

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Colin Gunn has gone coast-to-coast as he makes a trip out to California. His first stop takes him to the heart of wine country where he teaches a workshop for The Academy of Media Reconstruction with Nick Karavidas of Studio 119:1. In the beautiful surroundings of Oak Ridge Winery, they discuss God's good gifts of wine and media.

Next, Colin is off to the Tri-Counties Homeschool Convention in Santa Rosa, CA. There Colin introduces us to author and homeschool pioneer Rick Boyer, well known for his audio series for children featuring "Uncle Rick". Colin interviewed him back in Virginia about his work to encourage homeschooling parents and families. Hear it all on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


Tri-Counties Homschool Convention

Studio 119:1

Oak Ridge Winery

Character Concepts


Featuring Shirley Solis and Wesley Strackbein

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Back on the conference circuit, Colin Gunn is in Appleton, Wisconsin for the 2nd Annual Freedom Conference. Listen as Colin talks with Shirley Solis, speaker and author of the best-selling cookbook "Not Just Tacos," and Wesley Strackbein, editor at Vision Forum Ministries and Texas historian, who will be speaking at the upcoming History of America Mega-Conference in Harrisburg, PA. Hear both of these interviews and more on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


Not Just Tacos: A Journey into the World of Authentic Latin American Cuisine

Lifetime Books and Gifts

Vision Forum Ministries

Featuring Bill Potter and Daniel Craig

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Back in the studio once again with his brother-in-law Dave, Colin Gunn examines a wide variety of timely issues – self-help coaches and suicide; the recent NSA surveillance scandal; discussions with historian Bill Potter on the upcoming History of America Mega-Conference and the antithesis between Christian and non-Christian approaches to history; Daniel Craig talks about multi-generational vision for homeschoolers, entrepreneurship, and College Plus; and more – all on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


Life-Coach Radio Hosts Kill Themselves

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden

The Patriot Act and the NSA Controversy

Featuring Jobe Martin and Jessica Rondina

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In the midst of preparations for the film Wait Till It's Free Colin's travels take him to Richmond, VA for the Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV) annual convention. Hear engaging interviews with Dr. Jobe Martin, a Creation scientist, and Jessica Rondina, a filmmaker who uses a favorite toy to bring stories to life. Listen to it all on this next episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


Home Educators Association of Virginia

The Evolution of a Creationist

ShatterPoint Entertainment

Featuring Israel Wayne, E. Ray Moore, and Nancy Campbell

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Colin is on the road. Recording from Omaha, NE at the Teach Them Diligently Conference, Colin gives you an update on the Wait Till It's Free project, and you'll hear interviews from three of Colin's friends and colleagues: Israel Wayne, author and speaker who appeared in IndoctriNation, E. Ray Moore, founder and president of The Exodus Mandate, and Nancy Campbell of the Above Rubies website and magazine. Hear it all on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


Teach Them Diligently Conference

Israel Wayne

Wisdom's Gate

The Exodus Mandate

Above Rubies

Featuring David Nunnery and Floyd Martin

The next installment of The Colin Gunn Show is here! Check out the latest podcast.

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Episode 2:

Join Colin Gunn and his brother-in-law Dave as they discuss some of the tumultuous events of the past week – including terrorism in the UK. Colin talks about his recent trip to the Teach Them Diligently Conference in Nashville TN, where Colin interviews organizer David Nunnery. The Gunn family made it on the local news this week as they attended a Tea Party protest outside the local IRS offices. You'll also get updated on the progress of "Wait Till It's Free," along with analysis and criticism of a another healthcare documentary called 'Escape Fire.' Colin also talks about modern psychology and the recent revision of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and how preventative medicine is not exactly what you think it might be.

All this and more on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


Teach Them Diligently Conference

Update of Psychiatry Handbook

Piers Morgan and Penn Gillette:

Anti-IRS Protest in Waco, TX.

Thomas Szasz on ADHD:

The Colin Gunn Show - Episode 1: Featuring Donn Arms and Peter Allison

Enjoy the very first episode of The Colin Gunn Show, a weekly podcast from the award-winning documentary filmaker behind IndoctriNation and Captivated. Through these podcasts Colin will discuss critical issues confronting the world today, and keep you up-to-date on his filmmaking exploits.

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Episode 1:

Colin is in studio with brother-in-law Dave to discuss a variety of subjects, ranging from the Romeike family's potential deportation, to the ever-expanding police state and the recent IRS scandal. Colin talks about his latest film "Wait Till It's Free" and lets us listen in on two interviews conducted during his travels. One with Donn Arms from the Institute for Nouthetic Studies and another with Peter Allison, recorded at a screening of the IndoctriNation movie. All this and more on the very first episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


The Institute for Nouthetic Studies

Crown and Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church

HSLDA: The Romeike Story

Police Brutality

Dale Brown Threat Management Center

Newt Gingrich Ties IRS Scandal to ObamaCare