Featuring David Nunnery and Floyd Martin

The next installment of The Colin Gunn Show is here! Check out the latest podcast.

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Episode 2:

Join Colin Gunn and his brother-in-law Dave as they discuss some of the tumultuous events of the past week – including terrorism in the UK. Colin talks about his recent trip to the Teach Them Diligently Conference in Nashville TN, where Colin interviews organizer David Nunnery. The Gunn family made it on the local news this week as they attended a Tea Party protest outside the local IRS offices. You'll also get updated on the progress of "Wait Till It's Free," along with analysis and criticism of a another healthcare documentary called 'Escape Fire.' Colin also talks about modern psychology and the recent revision of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and how preventative medicine is not exactly what you think it might be.

All this and more on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


Teach Them Diligently Conference

Update of Psychiatry Handbook

Piers Morgan and Penn Gillette:

Anti-IRS Protest in Waco, TX.

Thomas Szasz on ADHD: