Our host, Colin Gunn of Gunn Productions, recounts his cross-country adventures as he brings the message of healthcare liberty to America! This episode features special radio interview clips about Colin's latest film "Wait Till It's Free" with interviewers Adam McManus, Tom Woods and Jim Schneider.
Choose Independence
Our host, Colin Gunn of Gunn Productions, weighs in on the vote for Scottish independence with his unique perspective on this historical landmark event. Colin also shares exciting updates of his travels as he talks to people everywhere about healthcare and his newest documentary, "Wait Till It's Free."
Kyle Prohaska
Our host, Colin Gunn of Gunn Productions, interviews Kyle Prohaska. Kyle is a Christian filmmaker and serves as the writer, director and producer of his feature length films. Colin and Kyle discuss what it was like for Kyle to juggle all three of these vital filmmaking roles during the production of his latest feature "Love Covers All."
Phil Olsson
Our host, Colin Gunn of Gunn Productions, interviews Dr. Phil Olsson of Samaritan Ministries. Dr. Phil has a Ph.D. in theology and avidly studies economics. Phil and Colin discuss their collaborative work on the second chapter of the "Wait Till It’s Free" project: an in-depth book of the same name about the way America does healthcare today.
Moody and Arthur
Our host, Colin Gunn of Gunn Productions, interviews Michael Moody of Forge Ministries. Forge ministries seeks to educate parents by providing conferences that better equip them to biblically disciple and educate their children. Colin and Michael will talk about Colin's upcoming appearance at the premiere of "Wait Till It's Free" at the Forge conference! Colin also interviews Isaac Arthur the assistant producer of “Wait Till It’s Free.” Colin and Isaac talk about how Isaac’s internship with Colin led to his current position on the film. Find out what is on the horizon for this promising young man.
Bradley Pierce
Our host, Colin Gunn of Gunn Productions, interviews Bradley Pierce a founding attorney at Heritage Defense. Heritage Defense is an organization designed to defend the parental rights of Christian homeschooling families around the country against threats by social services. Colin and Bradley discuss the biased social workers who frequent the door of the homeschooling Christian family and how to respond legally.
Matthew Morgan
Our host, Colin Gunn of Gunn Productions, interviews Matthew Morgan the head of Biblical Healthcare Reform. This organization is dedicated to submitting all areas of healthcare to the Lordship of Christ. Matthew served as a consultant on Colin’s latest film, "Wait Till It's Free." Matthew and Colin discuss the history of healthcare in America and the impossibility of neutrality in the realm of medical ethics. Morgan will share his personal experience with government interference in healthcare today; his family's story of what happened when his infant niece ended up in the emergency room last year.
Kevin Turley
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On this episode, our host Colin Gunn talks with his friend Kevin Turley, president of Landmark Events, a company that seeks to encourage and edify families by preserving providential history and facilitating events that presuppositionally address the ethical issues of our time. They discuss the importance of knowing history, and how attending events such as those put on by Landmark can bring history to life for families and individuals interested in learning about God's Providence in the past. Hear it on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.
Grace-Marie Turner
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Our host, Colin Gunn, talks with Grace-Marie Turner, Founder and President of the Galen Institute – a think tank devoted to advancing ideas and policies that would create a vibrant, patient-centered health sector. She is also the co-author of the book "Why ObamaCare Is Wrong for America", which had a big influence the film "Wait Till It's Free". They address problems with the American healthcare system, and particularly the way government policies such as ObamaCare negatively impact healthcare liberty.
Why ObamaCare Is Wrong for America – book
Dr. Jane Orient, MD
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Our host, Colin Gunn, talks to Dr. Jane Orient, MD, who is the Executive Director of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) and is featured in the film "Wait Till It's Free". They discuss issues facing doctors: VA hospitals, third-party payers, medical ethics, and more. Listen as we delve in the world of healthcare and physicians on this episode of The Colin Gunn Show.
American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)