The Colin Gunn Show - Episode 1: Featuring Donn Arms and Peter Allison

Enjoy the very first episode of The Colin Gunn Show, a weekly podcast from the award-winning documentary filmaker behind IndoctriNation and Captivated. Through these podcasts Colin will discuss critical issues confronting the world today, and keep you up-to-date on his filmmaking exploits.

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Episode 1:

Colin is in studio with brother-in-law Dave to discuss a variety of subjects, ranging from the Romeike family's potential deportation, to the ever-expanding police state and the recent IRS scandal. Colin talks about his latest film "Wait Till It's Free" and lets us listen in on two interviews conducted during his travels. One with Donn Arms from the Institute for Nouthetic Studies and another with Peter Allison, recorded at a screening of the IndoctriNation movie. All this and more on the very first episode of The Colin Gunn Show.


The Institute for Nouthetic Studies

Crown and Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church

HSLDA: The Romeike Story

Police Brutality

Dale Brown Threat Management Center

Newt Gingrich Ties IRS Scandal to ObamaCare