It is excellent. Every Christian parent with a child in a government school should see this and be forced to confront their unwillingness to do what Scripture requires for the children on loan to them by God.
— Cal Thomas - Syndicated and USAToday Columnist/Fox News Contributor

If you're not ready to take a hard look at the true state of public education, you will want to avoid this unflinching and highly controversial documentary.  But that would be a mistake!

Most Christian children attend a public school. Their families have a vested interest in all that happens there. Join Scottish filmmaker Colin Gunn a home school father of seven on a field trip across the USA.

Driving an old school bus, Colin and family travel across America, asking questions about the origins and social impact of America's public education system. Colin asks:

  • Who established the American Public Schools system?
  • Are my kids physically and morally safe in the schools?
  • Are the public schools religiously neutral?
  • Shouldn't Christian kids be “salt and light” in the Schools?
  • Can the public school system be fixed or redeemed?
This is the most important issue facing the Body of Christ, an issue that must be addressed and put to rest forever. IndoctriNation is an extremely important movie. Every church in America should show IndoctriNation. Every Christian should show IndoctriNation to their friends.
— Ted Baehr, MovieGuide

Featuring compelling interviews with teachers, administrators, parents, and other whistleblowers, this film is part documentary, part testimonial, and totally captivating. Above all it is both an encouragement and challenge to the millions of Christians who need to know what God's Word says about the discipleship and training of the next generation. You will want to give this DVD to every parent you know.

Featuring interviews with Samuel Blumenfeld, Col. John Eidsmoe, John Taylor Gatto, Ken Ham, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Doug Phillips, Howard Phillips, Bruce Shortt, R.C. Sproul, Jr., Kevin Swanson, and many more!

IndoctriNation DVD
Sale Price: $14.95 Original Price: $19.95